Acorn | Patience
Tempus rerum imperator
Time governs all things
Anchor | WisdomSine scientia ars nihil estWithout knowledge, skill is nothing
Arrows | Persevere
Ego amissus pugna sed autere bellum
I have lost the battle, but I have won the war
Bee | DeterminationUbi mel, ibi apesWhere [there is] honey, there [are] bees, valuable things are often protected and difficult to obtain
Bee Hive | FocusHodie labor, cras fructusToday's work, tomorrow's fruit
Bird & Book | WisdomHabent sua fata libelliBooks have their destiny [according to the capabilities of the reader]
Hand Holding Plant | Courage
A coeur valliant, rien impossible
With a valiant heart, nothing is impossible
Hand Holding Feather Pen | Wisdom
Quaerite adsidue eruditionem
Seek to learn constantly
Palm of Hand | Destiny
St unusquisque faber ipsae suae fortunae
You are the sole architect of your own fortune
Handshake | TrustFide sed cui videTrust, but be careful whom (you trust)
Horse | PassionAma et quod vis facLove and do what you love
Horseshoe & Clover | CourageFaveat fortunaLet fortune favour
Hourglass with Wings | PrioritiseTempus volat, hora fugitTime flies, the hour flees
Lock with Wings | LoyaltyFortis et fidelisStrong & faithful
Owl | WisdomSapientia sola libertas estWisdom is the only freedom
Pear | PersevereDum vita est spes estWhile there is life there is hope
Rose | PositivityOmnia in bonumEverything turns good / everything is fine
Sea Lion | PotentialLuceat lux vestra Let your light shine
Snake | CourageAudaces fortuna juvatFortune favours the bold
Squirrel | DeterminationLabor omnia vincitHard work conquers all
Sun with Eye | WisdomAdversus solem ne loquitorDo not speak against the sun. do not waste time arguing the obvious
Swallow | PositivityProcedamus omnes in paceAll move forward in peace
Thistle | StrengthCum infirmor tunc potens sumThe measure of his weakness increases its strength
Tree | CourageBonorum vita vacua est metuThe life of good man is free from fear
Unicorn | AuthenticEsse quam videriTo be, rather than to seem
Winged Lion | DedicationEx nihilo nihil fitNothing comes from nothing
Winged Ox | DeterminationAlis grave nilNothing [is] heavy with wings
With the wings of determination, anything is possible
Wings | ProtectionSub umbra alarum tuarum protege meProtect me under the shadow of your wings
Evokes a sense of safety and security
Wishbone | FortuneVitam regit fortuna, non sapientiaFortune, not wisdom, rules lives
Writing Hands | KnowledgeCalamus gladio fortiorThe pen is mightier than the sword