Meaning of our Latin Motto Collection


Acorn | Patience
Tempus rerum imperator
Time governs all things
Acorn Latin Motto Wax Seal Stamp - Backtozero B20 - acorn, antique, latin, latin motto, Message, patience, Retro, rounded rectangle, Signature, signaturehandle, time
Anchor | Wisdom
Sine scientia ars nihil est
Without knowledge, skill is nothing
Anchor Latin Motto Wax Seal Stamp - Backtozero B20 - antique, knowledge, latin, latin motto, Message, Nautical, Retro, rounded rectangle, Signature, signaturehandle
Arrows | Persevere
Ego amissus pugna sed autere bellum
I have lost the battle, but I have won the war
Three Crossed Arrows Latin Motto Wax Seal Stamp - Backtozero B20 - antique, antique-style, arrow, battle, bow, carry on, latin, latin motto, Message, never give up, Persevere, Retro, rounded rectangle, Signature, signaturehandle, war
Bee | Determination
Ubi mel, ibi apes
Where [there is] honey, there [are] bees, valuable things are often protected and difficult to obtain

Bee Hive | Focus
Hodie labor, cras fructus
Today's work, tomorrow's fruit
Bee Hive Latin Motto Wax Seal Stamp - Backtozero B20 - antique, Bee, hive, latin, latin motto, Message, Retro, rounded rectangle, Signature, signaturehandle, work hard
Bird & Book | Wisdom
Habent sua fata libelli
Books have their destiny [according to the capabilities of the reader]
Boat | Determination
Velle est posse
Where there is a will, there is a way
Boat Latin Motto Wax Seal Stamp - Backtozero B20 - antique, determination, latin, latin motto, Message, motivation, Nautical, never give up, Retro, rounded rectangle, Signature, signaturehandle
Daisy | Patience
Omnia tempus habent
All things have their time
Daisy Latin Motto Wax Seal Stamp - Backtozero B20 - antique, Botanical, daisy, Flower, latin, latin motto, Message, Retro, rounded rectangle, Signature, signaturehandle, time
Deer | Wisdom
Suos cultores scientia coronat
Knowledge crowns those who seek her
Deer Latin Motto Wax Seal Stamp - Backtozero B20 - antique, dedication, latin, latin motto, Message, motivation, Retro, rounded rectangle, Signature, signaturehandle
Dog | Ambitious
Sero venientibus ossa
Those who are late get bones
Dog Latin Motto Wax Seal Stamp - Backtozero B20 - Ambitious, antique, latin, latin motto, Message, motivation, Retro, rounded rectangle, Signature, signaturehandle
Eagle | Focus
Aquila non capit muscas
An eagle does not catch flies. Or, "a noble or important person does not deal with insignificant matters"
Eagle Latin Motto Wax Seal Stamp - Backtozero B20 - antique, Bird, focus, latin, latin motto, Message, Retro, rounded rectangle, Signature, signaturehandle
Eye | Love
Ubi amor ibi oculus
True love is not blind / Where love resides, there is sight
Eye Latin Motto Wax Seal Stamp - Backtozero B20 - antique, blind, latin, latin motto, love, Message, Retro, rounded rectangle, sight, Signature, signaturehandle
Fleur de Lis | Strength
Sanctimonia vincet semper
Purity will always conquer
Fleur de Lis Latin Motto Wax Seal Stamp - Backtozero B20 - antique, conquer, latin, latin motto, Message, purity, Retro, rounded rectangle, Signature, signaturehandle
Globe | Determination
Aut viam inveniam aut faciam
I will either find a way or make one
Globe Latin Motto Wax Seal Stamp - Backtozero B20 - antique, Bird, focus, goal, latin, latin motto, Message, never give up, Retro, rounded rectangle, Signature, signaturehandle, way
Hand Holding Arrow | Courage
Dura a nobis non timentur
Let us not be afraid of difficult things
Hand Holding Arrow Latin Motto Wax Seal Stamp - Backtozero B20 - antique, Arrow, courage, destiny, fortune, hand, latin, latin motto, Message, Retro, rounded rectangle, Signature, signaturehandle
Hand Holding Plant | Courage
A coeur valliant, rien impossible
With a valiant heart, nothing is impossible
Hand Holding Plant Latin Motto Wax Seal Stamp - Backtozero B20 - antique, botanic, Botanical, courage, goal, hand, latin, latin motto, Plant, possible, Retro, root, rounded rectangle, Signature, signaturehandle
Hand Holding Feather Pen | Wisdom
Quaerite adsidue eruditionem
Seek to learn constantly 
Hand with Feather Pen Latin Motto Wax Seal Stamp - Backtozero B20 - antique, feather, feather pen, knowledge, latin, latin motto, learn, Message, pen, Retro, rounded rectangle, Signature, signaturehandle, write
Palm of Hand | Destiny
St unusquisque faber ipsae suae fortunae
You are the sole architect of your own fortune
Palm of Hand Latin Motto Wax Seal Stamp - Backtozero B20 - antique, destiny, fortune, latin, latin motto, Message, Retro, rounded rectangle, Signature, signaturehandle
Handshake | Trust
Fide sed cui vide
Trust, but be careful whom (you trust)
Handshake Latin Motto Wax Seal Stamp - Backtozero B20 - antique, hand, latin, latin motto, Retro, rounded rectangle, Signature, signaturehandle, trust
Horse | Passion
Ama et quod vis fac
Love and do what you love
Horse Latin Motto Wax Seal Stamp - Backtozero B20 - Ambitious, antique, latin, latin motto, Message, Retro, rounded rectangle, Signature, signaturehandle
Horseshoe & Clover | Courage
Faveat fortuna
Let fortune favour
Horseshoe Clover Latin Motto Wax Seal Stamp - Backtozero B20 - antique, Botanical, bow, latin, latin motto, luck, Lucky, Message, Retro, ribbon, rounded rectangle, Shamrock, Signature, signaturehandle
Hourglass with Wings | Prioritise
Tempus volat, hora fugit
Time flies, the hour flees
Hourglass Latin Motto Wax Seal Stamp - Backtozero B20 - antique, latin, latin motto, Message, Retro, rounded rectangle, Signature, signaturehandle, time
Lock with Wings | Loyalty
Fortis et fidelis
Strong & faithful
Lock with Wings Latin Motto Wax Seal Stamp - Backtozero B20 - antique, faith, faithful, latin, latin motto, loyalty, Message, Retro, rounded rectangle, Signature, signaturehandle, trust
Owl | Wisdom
Sapientia sola libertas est
Wisdom is the only freedom
Owl Latin Motto Wax Seal Stamp - Backtozero B20 - antique, Bird, freedom, latin, latin motto, Message, Retro, rounded rectangle, Signature, signaturehandle, wisdom
Pear | Persevere
Dum vita est spes est
While there is life there is hope
Pear Latin Motto Wax Seal Stamp - Backtozero B20 - antique, antique-style, Botanical, Fruit, hope, latin, latin motto, life, Message, pear, Persevere, Retro, rounded rectangle, Signature, signaturehandle
Rose | Positivity
Omnia in bonum
Everything turns good / everything is fine
Rose Latin Motto Wax Seal Stamp - Backtozero B20 - antique, Flower, good, latin, latin motto, life, Message, positivity, Retro, rose, rounded rectangle, Signature, signaturehandle
Sea Lion | Potential
Luceat lux vestra  
Let your light shine
Sea Lion Latin Motto Wax Seal Stamp - Backtozero B20 - antique, Heraldic, latin, latin motto, Message, Mythical Creatures, potential, Retro, rounded rectangle, shine, Signature, signaturehandle
Snake | Courage
Audaces fortuna juvat
Fortune favours the bold
Snake Latin Motto Wax Seal Stamp - Backtozero B20 - antique, latin, latin motto, Message, motivation, Retro, rounded rectangle, Signature, signaturehandle
Squirrel | Determination
Labor omnia vincit
Hard work conquers all
Squirrel Latin Motto Wax Seal Stamp - Backtozero B20 - antique, dedication, determination, hard work, latin, latin motto, Message, Retro, rounded rectangle, Signature, signaturehandle
Sun with Eye | Wisdom
Adversus solem ne loquitor
Do not speak against the sun. do not waste time arguing the obvious
Sun with Eye Latin Motto Wax Seal Stamp - Backtozero B20 - antique, energy, eye, focus, latin, latin motto, Message, Retro, rounded rectangle, Signature
Swallow | Positivity
Procedamus omnes in pace
All move forward in peace
Swallow with Clover Latin Motto Wax Seal Stamp - Backtozero B20 - antique, bird, clover, latin, latin motto, Message, peace, positivity, Retro, rounded rectangle, Shamrock, Signature, signaturehandle
Thistle | Strength
Cum infirmor tunc potens sum
The measure of his weakness increases its strength
Thistle Latin Motto Wax Seal Stamp - Backtozero B20 - antique, Botanical, Flower, latin, latin motto, Message, Retro, rounded rectangle, Signature, signaturehandle, strength, thristle
Tree | Courage
Bonorum vita vacua est metu
The life of good man is free from fear
Tree Latin Motto Wax Seal Stamp - Backtozero B20 - antique, Botanical, fear, free, good life, latin, latin motto, Message, Retro, rounded rectangle, Signature, signaturehandle, Tree
Unicorn | Authentic
Esse quam videri
To be, rather than to seem
Unicorn Latin Motto Wax Seal Stamp - Backtozero B20 - antique, authentic, latin, latin motto, Message, motivation, Retro, rounded rectangle, Signature, signaturehandle
Winged Lion | Dedication
Ex nihilo nihil fit
Nothing comes from nothing
Winged Lion Latin Motto Wax Seal Stamp - Backtozero B20 - antique, dedication, latin, latin motto, lion, Message, Retro, rounded rectangle, Signature, signaturehandle, success, wings
Winged Ox | Determination
Alis grave nil
Nothing [is] heavy with wings
With the wings of determination, anything is possible
Winged Ox Latin Motto Wax Seal Stamp - Backtozero B20 - antique, Cow, dare, dream, latin, latin motto, Message, Retro, rounded rectangle, Signature, signaturehandle, wings
Wings | Protection
Sub umbra alarum tuarum protege me
Protect me under the shadow of your wings
Evokes a sense of safety and security
Wings Latin Motto Wax Seal Stamp - Backtozero B20 - antique, latin, latin motto, Message, protection, Retro, rounded rectangle, secure, Signature, signaturehandle
Wishbone | Fortune
Vitam regit fortuna, non sapientia
Fortune, not wisdom, rules lives
Wishbone Latin Motto Wax Seal Stamp - Backtozero B20 - antique, fortune, latin, latin motto, luck, Message, Retro, rounded rectangle, Signature, signaturehandle
Writing Hands | Knowledge
Calamus gladio fortior
The pen is mightier than the sword
Writing Hand Latin Motto Wax Seal Stamp - Backtozero B20 - antique, knowledge, latin, latin motto, Message, Retro, rounded rectangle, Signature, signaturehandle