Design your own Signet Pin

$ 35.00 USD

  • You can now design your own signet pin!
    It will be made with your very own design, please see picture 2 for reference!

    If you'd like to use it as a seal, we could invert the image for you.
    If not, it will be display as is. Please refer picture 2 for reference.

    Please be careful when you press it on hot wax, you might contact with the hot was spread. Please use lesser amount of wax than usual when you use it as a wax seal.

    Engraved area: ~10-14mm in diameter
    Material: Brass (Color will be varied, some darker, some lighter)
    Pin base material: Stainless Steel

    - Suggest in simple design only, thin line will not show as clear & as deep as thick lines.
    - The simpler the design, the better result as the engraving area is pretty small.
    - Solid black and white image, no shades or grey, refer picture 2 for sample
    - Black represents engraved area, i.e. It will bed sinked in the pendant
    - DO NOT mirror or reverse your design, please sent as is
    - File format accepted: .jpg, .jpeg, .png
    - Suggested image size: 1000 x 1000 pixels
    - Suggest no circle around your design
    - Help us locate your design on the seal with a red circle
    - TIPS to know if your design work: Zoom it 2mm smaller than the size you order, if the lines / words are clean & clear, it will show up well 
    - IMPORTANT NOTE: Please make sure you have the right to use the image and you will be fully responsible for any future copyright infringement issue of the design you sent

    We'll review your design upon received your order and might contact you for revised design if needed. If you can't send us a revised design and want to cancel, there will be a 5-9% cancellation fee, please read HERE for details.


  • DO NOT ORDER if any of the below descriptions would make you unpleasant

    Brass is a natural material, it will oxidize and form a patina or tarnish when it exposed to air or moisture. The outlook of the charm & the edge of the brass might have visible scratches due to the production process. You can bring its luster back with sandpaper or in an eco-friendly way, such as lemon juice.

    Each cufllink is individually engraved & mounted, variations may be presents that add to the uniqueness of each cufflink. The image engraved might slightly off center & might see glue marks around the brass.

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Une bouillette exceptionnelle qui marche à toutes saisons!! Je recommande